Wednesday, July 16, 2008

who is the pook?

they ask who's the pook
the pook is the pook he is
all will be revealed

well now you know i like writing bad haiku at least.

who am i, mikey wants to know. seriously, i just haven't got round to saying more about myself yet or adding links that will make it more obvious, so for now i'm just enjoying being just the pook. but you do know me mikey.

oh, and 'why the pook?' was the other question. it's a long and boring story. i could tell you, but then i'd have to kill you...


Mikey Lynch said...

your mysterious presence in the internets is the best thing that has happened in my blogging experience since the jollys fell in love!

welcome on board!

The Pook said...

Thanks for the kind words Mikey! We aims to please we does... :)

I have resisted doing or looking at any blogging for years, for much the same reasons you say you are reticent about facebooking. But so far I am very encouraged by the sharing of Christian knowlege and help and experiences that I've found, and also have come across a few old acquaintances from a long long time ago ...and a galaxy far far away (the mainland).

Groseys messages said...

G'day Pook..
I heard that Senior McGowan was not going to Victoria in August? Is he pond hopping instead?


The Pook said...

Hello Steve. Do you know my mate Johnnie McIntyre up your way?

Even though PTC Melbourne pulled the plug on his lectures there, they are still paying Dr McGowan's expenses in getting to Australia and taking the loss since they cancelled at such short notice. So Andy is still speaking at PTC Sydney, at several churches around NSW and Victoria, and at Launceston at St Andrews Presbyterian and Riverside Presbyterian. He will be giving three talks at a one day conference at Riverside on the Work of the Holy Spirit (The Holy Spirit & The Mind; The Holy Spirit & The New Birth; The Holy Spirit & Evangelism).

He has, however, cancelled his visits to Perth and NZ I think, since the funding for that was tied to PTC Melbourne. Our Presbytery are paying for his travel to Tas from Sydney and accommodation here.

Groseys messages said...

Wow great.. yeah John Mac and John Webster are both good friends.. and Ross Tucker is a closer but distanter friend.
Every blessing,