Friday, September 12, 2008

Free Universities are History says Rudd

Prime Minister Rudd says "Australia can't go back to the days of a free university education."

I say why not? We have a $22billion surplus. Why should our kids have to start their working life with a HECS debt over their heads? As Rudd himself admits, he and most politicians of his age benefitted from free university education themselves, as did our best and brightest in so many fields. Why should only the rich or those willing to incur a huge debt be able to enrol at university? Anyone who has the ability, that is, the brains and the entrance marks, should be able to study free or near free. Those who don't have the marks should be able to pay. At the moment it is money, not ability that decides who can go to University. We are dumbing down our society, and it is a great disappointment that Rudd is not reversing the stupid and shortsighted policies of Messrs Hawke, Keating, and Howard, and showing himself to be just as much an economic rationalist as his predecessors.

While the girls are away the boys will play

The Pookwife and Pookling number one are away in Sydney for ten days. Today I took the boys to the skifields for the day...