Monday, July 21, 2008

What Is an Evangelical?

I don't think the term means what it once did.

I've found the blogs of people who claim to be "evangelical Christians" yet believe and do things that even twenty years ago would have been called "liberal" or even pagan. There are "Evangelical" individuals and churches who:
- promote homosexuality as a valid lifestyle choice
- don't believe Adam and Eve were real people from whom all humans are descended
- hold to a doctrine of Scripture that is increasingly indistinguishable from that of Liberalism or Neo-Orthodoxy
- promote Polyamory as the loving biblical position and declare that limiting sex to marriage is unrealistic and even legalistic
- teach and practice mystical and spiritual experiences and hold to doctrines of ongoing revelation that used to associated only with Pentecostal movements or Eastern Orthodoxy or cults
- don't believe in the substitutionary atonement of Christ

...and much more.

Ironically, on the other hand, the opponents or detractors of evangelicals tend to use the term to mean Fundamentalism. At the same time supposed evangelicals themselves are moving the definition to the left, the mass media are moving their use of it to the right.

Near as I can work out, calling yourself an evangelical these days doesn't mean much more than
that you're not a Roman Catholic. And there are even some of them who call themselves evangelical, so what does it mean? Is there any such thing as an Evangelical Movement any more?

Edit: Phillip Jensen has written in August about this on his blog. And a followup article here.

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