Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Pookwife's Escape

My one true Pookish love has left me alone for four days with the pooklings while she goes off and has a good time with a bunch of other females at an annual retreat. I dropped her off in Launceston (65km away) last night where she was meeting her lift to Ulverstone, then went to buy clothes for the kids at K-Mart, which took three times as long as necessary and involved unplanned purchase of toys. Got home after ten, put them to bed then finished my sermon. Got up early and finished my sermon, got breakfast and took number three pookling to a birthday party about 15km out of town for three hours. Number three and this kid have the same name and were born on exactly the same day! Ours had his party on Tuesday, and his friend today. Came home and finished my sermon. Cooked tea then finished my sermon in between demands for food drinks and comfort, including a cut knee. Gave in to kids' request for video that they stayed up too late watching. How will I ever get them out of bed in the morning so I can give them breakfast and drop them off at honorary aunty Elsie's place by 8:30am to get to Bridport by 9am and then pick them up for Scottsdale on the way back? Think I'm getting the flu. She won't be back until Tuesday. I'm sure she only does this to make me realise how much I take her for granted!

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